The Critical Information Infrastructure Summit 2025 is being organized by Public CSIRT/CC Mongolia.
To strengthen cooperation in protecting critical information infrastructure from cyberattacks, a meeting was held with 25 petroleum import and distribution companies and the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia.
The Public CSIRT/CC and the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia jointly organized the meeting. It was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry; the “Professional Association of Oil Product Importers of Mongolia” (Монголын газрын тосны бүтээгдэхүүн импортлогчдын мэргэжлийн холбоо) NGO; the “National Association of Petrochemicals of Mongolia” (Монголын нэфть хийн үндэсний ассоциаци); the “Mongolian Petroleum Fuel Association” (Монголын хийн түлшний холбоо) NGO; and 19 companies in the fuel and lubricants importing, manufacturing, and distribution sectors.
Going forward, the Public CSIRT/CC will continue to hold successive meetings with organizations from sectors designated as possessing critical information infrastructure under cybersecurity legislation.